Sunday, May 19, 2013

Favorite Bloggers

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

I love when people share blogs that they love. It doesn't matter if they're new blogs you've started loving, or old loves that you've been following for a while. It's always fun to be introduced to new blogs. Her are a few of my favorites, some are new loves, and some are old loves, but they're all loved by me.

1. Elizabeth from E Tells Tales

Elizabeth has been one of my favorite bloggers for quite some time. Her writing is so engaging that you can't help getting caught up in her story. I started reading her blog when she was a teacher in Boston, and read through as she eloped, had a baby and started a hugely successful Etsy business. She inspired me to not want to know the gender of our babies someday.

2. Ashley from Dancing with Ashley
I feel like Ashley is the blogging community's big sister. She's so encouraging from her e-mails, and when I read about her daily life with her two adorable boys, I feel like I'm apart of her family. Plus, she's a super talented dancer.

3. Kayla from My Kind of Yellow

Kayla is a new blog love of mine. She is getting married in a matter of days, and it has been so fun to read through all of her preparations for her wedding. She probably has the busiest weekends of anyone I've ever met, but they're so fun to read about. She is always positive in her blog which is so refreshing.

4. Lacie from Leather & Lace
This is one of the blogs that I totally creep. I don't always comment and we've never exchanged e-mails, but I had to include it on this list because it's one of the funniest blogs I read. When I first found it I literally spent hours just reading and laughing out loud at old posts. Girl knows how to tell it like it is.

Now go forth and spread the blog love.


Why Girls Are Weird said...

I've only heard of one of these bloggers, so I need to check out the rest!

Rachel said...

I have a friend who just had a baby without knowing the gender beforehand, and that's really inspired me to strongly consider not finding out ahead of time! I'm totally going to check out Leather and Lace. Funny writers are my favorite!

Ashley said...

You are so, so awesome! Thank you so much. So glad this blogging world brought us together! :-)

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