Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's a Sad Day

Remember how this year was supposed to be great after a rough year last year? Well, we're not off to such a good start.

This morning my 90 year old grandmother passed away. In less than three months we lost both of these beautiful grandmothers.
She was my last living grandparent and her death feels harder than the others because I just saw her a few weeks ago when I was home for Christmas.

Her death is bittersweet. She had been alone for a long time and she had dementia and was often confused about where she was, or what decade it was.

When we went to visit, she didn't always know who we were; but I'm so glad I got to spend Christmas morning with her, helping her open her presents. She had long hair for the first time and kept commenting on my hair so I showed her how to put her hair into a bun.
She lived with my dad, and he and my brothers took great care of her. I'm sure this is very bittersweet for my dad as she was increasingly hard to care for, but she was his mother, and his last living parent, but now she gets to be with her husband.

We're all sad that she's gone, but so glad to know she's back with her husband in a happier place.


Rachel said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Sam. You guys have really had a rough time lately with all of the loss in the family--even when they've lived a long, full life, it's never easy to lose someone you love.

John & Judy said...

Dear Sam,
We sympathize with you. A sad day for you and your family; especially your Dad (I admire his devotion), but a glad day for your grandmother in a happier place.
We love you, John and Judy

Tanika said...

I am so so so sorry for your loss. :(

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