Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday.

Today is my mother's birthday. She would have been 58 today. My favorite thing about the headstone, and the one thing I actually requested for it is that it has a flower vase attached to it. She loved flowers and so on her birthday and the anniversary of her death and sometimes on my parents anniversary I put flowers on her grave. Today after work I found the most amazing flowers to fit her. They were awesome huge sunflowers that were partly died. They just screamed my mom, especially on such a rainy day. It was raining so hard! I was in shorts and a t-shirt...not so good for stormy weather. I love the rain so it didn't bother me so much. Hal is amazing and accidentally left a coat in my car yesterday, so I didn't get completely soaked, just mostly soaked while I was at the cemetary. It was really nice.

We were so lucky that they had taken out a road in the SLC cemetary soon before my mother passed away. It just so happened to be really close, actually right down the lane form my great-grandmother's grave. So, I took some flower petals off of my mother's sunflowers and sprinkled them on her gravestone.
Here is me getting super wet in the cemetary. I was more wet by the time I left. My shoes were soaked completely through! That's ok, I have been dying for it to rain, so I am alright with it. I am glad that I work downtown and was able to be close enough to the cemetary to go for her birthday. Happy Birthday Mom, I love you very much and it's comforting that sometimes I can still feel you around.
When I loaded my SIM card on my comptuer I realized I had a ton of posts to make, but I thought this one was important enough to make on her actual birthday, so you'll be getting some posts from earlier in the summer soon, hopefully.


20 Something said...

I also do not know you at all. Thank you for commenting on my post. You seem like an amazingly strong person. Your post was so positive, and so uplifting about what some may see as something tragic. I obviously don't know anything about your mom, but to have such an optimistic daughter she must have been pretty amazing.

Jessica said...

Those are beautiful flowers. Good luck on Thursday "teaching".

Cristyannie said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! I love the rain too! I think you are amazing! Xoxo, C

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