Friday, November 14, 2014

Meet Lillian

Guys, you're about to receive an overload of cuteness. My sister had a baby. Not just any baby, the first baby on my side of the family in almost 7 years. Growing up, almost every year a sister or sister in law had a baby. Then 7 years a drought.

Well, October 28th, the drought ended.
I flew to Portland to visit my sister in an attempt to be her doula. Things didn't quite go according to plan and Lillian Elaine came early. Instead I got to be a digital doula through text messages; and I got to spend my entire trip with this little beauty.

I arrived just in time for Halloween, which is the best holiday ever, so this happened.
 If you can't tell, her shirt says Wickedly Cute, like auntie. So then this happened
Matching Halloween shirts. That's how we roll.

It was so fun to be there for all of the first my sister and her husband were having and to help them capture the moments. First night home with her, first bath at home, first trip outside the house with a baby. And now you're going to be overloaded with baby cuteness, and you're gonna like it.
She's such a little squirmier, and does the funniest things with her hands, and she gets the hiccups all the time, just like me. Glad to pass on something.

And we went to Voodoo Donught, because when in Portland. We maybe went more than once while I was there. And you're welcome Marianne for posting this photo. It accurately portrays how I felt about that fresh still warm maple bar.
My other sister came into town the day before I left. It was so fun to be with two of my sisters at the same time. My sister took the most beautiful newborn photos while she was there. The first photo in this post was one, and here is one to make you instantly go "awwww" So go check out her company's facebook page. Hal and I are her cover photo too, so holla.


Unknown said...

She's so cute!! It's kind of crazy that no one had had a baby in 7 years on your side of the family.

Also, I think that is the best picture of Marianne. :D

Unknown said...

Love this Sam, thanks for sharing!!

Tanika said...


Susannah said...

She's so cute!!! I can't believe you were in Portland! I guess it's payback since I didn't let you know I was in DC.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

She's so stinking cute!!!! Congrats to you, as an auntie, and to your sister. That first photo had me awwwwwwing for a long time. Too precious.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Adorable!!! You might be next!

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