Monday, September 30, 2013

Cheapest Date Ever

Don't forget my MAC sample giveaway ends at midnight tonight, don't forget to enter!

Ever have those nights where you and your partner are just needing to get out of the house, but you don't have any plans, or anywhere to go. That happens to us all the time, so we're always looking for fun easy things to go when we have a free evening.

Have you ever heard of the app Shopkick? If you haven't you should immediately download it. It's free, and it gives you points just for walking into stores that you are already commonly walking into. Plus it gives you extra points for scanning products in the store. You can redeem these points for prizes, and I'm not talking lame prizes, I'm talking cool prizes. Plus, it makes for the cheapest date ever.

Open the app, and it will find you on a map and show you cities nearby that have stores who are giving away kicks. Then you can make a game plan on what areas want to go to.
Click on one of the bubbles and it will show you what stores are in that area, and how many kicks you'll get for walking into the store.  If you look through look books for the store before going, you can get extra kicks, or even find hidden kicks in the look books. You can also check by clicking on the specific store to see if they are giving away kicks for scanning products inside the store.

When you walk into the store, have your shopkick app open and ready and it will automatically connect to the shopkick server and give you kicks.
Sometimes stores will have specials and give away extra kicks. We chose a good day for a Shopkick date because stores like Target, Best Buy and American Eagle were all giving away 200 kicks just for walking in.

Plus, we scanned products for extra kicks in stores like Target, CVS, and Safeway. You just look at the items listed under the store's scan page, find it in the store, and scan the upc code with your phone.
And wallah, cheapest date ever. All it cost us was the gas to the shopping center that contained a bunch of stores and a little while later we had both gained over 1,000 kicks.

They give away cool prizes too!
If you're patient and save up, like I'm planning on doing, you can get some really cool prizes. I'm currently saving up for a $300 gift card to Coach!

-I was not compensated by Shopkick for this post, I just thought it ended up being a fun, cheap date!


Rolled Up Pretty said...

How awesome is this!?

Rachel said...

Hmmm, that's such a random little program! I've definitely never heard of anything like it!

Courtney W said...

This is hilarious! I never would have thought about doing something like that! Where did you hear about this?

Ashley said...

Don't you live in D.C. now? You have absolutely no excuse for having nothing to to do :P

Susannah said...

What a crazy awesome idea!!!

Tanika said...

THAT IS SO COOL. Downloaded.

The Cross Family Adventures said...

Oh em gee!! Thanks for sharing this! I can't wait to try this app out!

Angela said...

Wow! That sounds amazing! I will definitely have to get that app.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I am totally going to download this app! I hadn't heard of it! Are you using Viggle? You get points for watching tv and can get stuff for them.

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