Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year. It was really laid back and relaxing, since it was the off year and my sisters went to their in-laws, we had a kid free Thanksgiving. It was kind of eerily quiet.

We stuffed ourselves as is tradition. But we stuffed ourselves with family, and that's what matters. :)

After dinner and an appropriate amount of lying on the floor trying to keep the moaning to a minimum all thanks to my food baby. I was ready for something sweet and delicious in my belly, you know, to keep that lunch food baby company.

We started a tradition a few years ago with Hal's family where all of the boys make a pie, and then we have a pie contest, where you try every pie and rate them in different categories. Because we really do need an excuse to try all of the pies. We decided to do it with my family this year since Hal's parents joined us for Thanksfeasting.

After tasting them all and going back for seconds (hey, it's legit, there's a category you have to rate them on, saying if you'd like seconds) we voted....and the winner was...
ERIC! With his yummy ice cream pie with fudge and caramel sauce to go on top. I'm usually not an ice cream cake/pie kind of eater, but this was dang good. He shall thus be known as pie man 2012.

And then Thanksgiving commenced in true family fashion.
Yes, you can see my brothers insides, that's how family rolls.

Then I gave thanks for my life when I went Black Friday shopping at Walmart. 8:00 means there are SO many people there. People who won't go at midnight or 4 a.m. went this year. It was bananas people. Straight up crazy. Like a grown man knocked my sister to the ground for a $15 MP3 player kind of crazy. That's not worth my dignity. It was ok, because she got better pick of the MP3 players anyway. That's karma for you.

I'm very thankful I was able to spend the holiday at home this year, and spend it with fabulous people whom I love, and love spending time with.


Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Glad you spent Thanksgiving at home this year!! And that last photo cracked me up. ;) That's what!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Aw, yay! So glad you were home this year for it!

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