
Monday, January 9, 2012

2011 in Review

I know this is a bit late. I just got back to blogging after the holidays and saw them on all of the blogs and thought it was so great to review what everyone has gone through in the last year. We had a pretty big year this year, so I thought it would be fun to do.

This year I did a photo shoot with Duston Todd

I went snowboarding for the first time with Hal

We both said goodbye and sent our little brothers off on missions

We went to San Fransisco and Sacramento with Hal's family

We bought a baby duck, and named it Sir Fitzwilliam Duckery, even though it's a girl

My friend Monica got married and I turned 24

We went to the Redwoods with some of our favorite people

We joined the Peace Corps and moved to Cambodia

We celebrated 3 years of marriage

We became official Peace Corps Volunteers

We visited Angkor Wat

We spent our first holidays away from our families

Going through all of this again I can't believe we did all of this in one year. We really did have a life changing year. I'm so glad we made the decisions we did, and that we were able to have all of these incredible experiences. I can't wait to see all that 2012 has in store for us!


  1. I can't believe it's been THREE YEARS since you guys got married...I mean, I remember the first time Hal introduced you to all of us (I'm sure you felt very overwhelmed by our loud-ness). Congrats to you guys on such a great year---may 2012 bring even more surprises into your life!

  2. what a great year! i'm so grateful that i got to meet you and hal on the grand cambodian adventure! cheers to a great 2012, spent living entirely in cambodia! woot!

  3. That IS a full year, and what a sweet blog.

    Thank you for visiting mine last week. I am now following you on twitter @flgirlnewlife and I am looking forward to following your journey.

    PS I would love to interview you on my blog about your decision to become a peace corp volunteer. You can see the format here. Email instructions are included in the post below.

  4. I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for you!

  5. You guys are the absolute cutest...
    I love your blog.


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