Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Oh my cell phone woes! I had the best pictures to post from this last weekend where we babysat my nephew overnight, and then blast! SD card damaged, please format it....this is exactly what happened back in December. They best be fixing this problem real quick, but chances are that I lost the pictures, even the cute ones that I took of him in bed with Hal and I in the morning. Boo.

On a lighter note have you heard of the website unfriendable? It's like Failbook, but even better because it includes yahoo answers, twitter, and facebook. Amazing! I think my favorite are the yahoo answers. You just read them and think, "Really? Really?!"

Sadly enough, I can totally see people actually doing this.

Haha, I love that last one, because that's something I would totally do as a joke to someone, not knowing that they wouldn't ever be able to change it back. Then when you're applying for a job whoever is hiring you can google you and see the name of your facebook page. Brilliant! Amazing things like that can only happen by accident.

Some of the newer unfriendables seem a little fake to me, so go to the very last page, when it first started, and they're real good!


Amy Hansen said...

Those are hilarious! I'll have to check that site out.

mikey and kimby said...

That's way funny. I love it!

Anonymous said...

ha ha! There are some idiots in this world for sure, but I love how they make me laugh! :)

Jamie Walker said...

Ok these are hilarious! The last one made sprite come out my nose haha

Keely said...

Hey lady! I'm so glad you found my feels like just yesterday we were doing the undergrad chacha...I swear in no time you will be halfway through medical school.

Also...I adore your header :0) (And your engagement

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