Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I took my bridals last Thursday, and whalllah, they are posted online today. You can look at them at I think that they turned out great, I'm very excited. Hal didn't come get them taken with me, and hasn't seen my dress so you are all sworn to secrecy about what my dress looks like and aren't allowed to show him any pictures.

Also, please let me know which are your favorites because we have to order some for our picture table.

Yay, pretty much everything is planned at this point. If any of you will be in town before the wedding and have cool clear vases we would love to borrow them.


Traci said...

You are so beautiful! I hope that Scott and I can come! I asked for work off, and I think he is planning on it too! Anyways! It's coming up fast! I am so excited for you two! :)

Michelle said...

Those are awesome pictures! Hal will be speechless when he sees you in your wedding dress in just a few days! I hope he hasn't peeked . . . You look stunning & beautiful!

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