
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear You

Today we're going to dig this out of the grave for another rousing rendition of....

I don't think that I've done this since February! Holy cow, it's been a long time. Well, I've had some things that I need to write a short tib-bit about so, I'm resurrecting this segment. If you want to see some past ones, you can look here or here.

Dear Hal,
You made out like a bandit for your birthday. Seriously, you lucked out with presents this year. I hope that they keep you warm while you snowboard this weekend. Yeah, that's right, some of the resorts have already opened because we have had so much snow this weekend and this week. Well, I hope it's full of powder and that your snowboarding session will be awesome in your new pants and coat.

Dear Lauren,
Your post that I just read a little bit ago really makes me want these glasses from Urban.
So maybe my friend took the picture before I was ready, but it's the only one I have of the glasses. I put them on as a joke, and kind of ended up loving them. What do you think? Maybe I can get them online for super cheap or something, although, I think they were kind of cheap anyway.

Dear Josh,
I'm glad that you didn't have to have full on surgery, but being slightly cut open still is awful. So heal quickly, because I know you're dying to go to Spokane and finish what you started with your mission. But maybe don't heal too quickly because the end of 6 weeks is Christmas, and it would be nice to have you home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Dear Toll House Pie,
I know a lot of my posts lately have included food in them, but I really appreciate good food. I like to say that staff lunch day is my favorite day of the work month, and oh man, it sure is this month. I will gladly drive all the way to Sugarhouse and pick up all of the lunches if I can order a Smoked Turkey Sanwich and a Toll House Pie from The DoDo.

Dear Cold Weather,
This may be shocking, but I'm really digging you this year. The cold has really helped my get into the holiday spirit (since Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow! What the heck?). Since summer didn't really live up to it's expectation, I'm expecting you to make up for this. Good work so far, because I feel like I'm on a Christmas Present roll so far. I had this cute idea for a gift for all of the families, but then things just kept working out for individual gifts, so I think that I'm going to go that route this year. It's more fun too, because then everyone isn't opening the same thing Christmas morning. Although, if you have any awesome gift ideas, do please share, because I have a lot of people to think about.

Dear Fellow Bloggers,
I'm liking this thing that we have going on where we all read each others blogs and comment on each other's posts. But I'm ready to widen my net, beyond the like 10 blogs that I check every day. So please, if you love  a blog, and think I would too, share it with me!


  1. i need to do one of these! and i love those should get them for sure! hope you are doing great sam!! i am digging this cold weather too!

  2. again, and i think i already told you this, i love those glasses on you. very funky!!! :) i'm not digging this cold weather. then again, yours is a lot more fun than what we're having. so i understand. please send some cooler air/stuff over so i can enjoy winter weather before i head to a sunny state. way too late for me right now so i'll stop but i can email you a few blogs to read, like tomorrow?. no problemo. ;)

    oh yes, way too tired now.

    have a fantastic day girl.


  3. I say get the glasses! They seem fun! Have you heard of a blog called the roaring twenties? She's really funny and honest. She's on my blog roll.

  4. I love doing these letters.. hehe! Those glasses are awesome!


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