
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Years!!

traI know I wasn't the best at blogging in a timely manner already, but I'm afraid it might get even worse. Hal's computer died before school started and so we are now own to just my laptop. Although we beefed it up with a new gig of ram and windows 7, I still don't get it to use it very often thanks to homework. Thankfully I can often blog from work, but most of the pictures I took from our anniversary were on my camera, so I waited until I could use it, and thankfully I had some time Friday night :)

Have any of you heard of Park City before? I know that people who live in Utah have heard of it, but maybe some of you have heard of a little thing called the Sundance Film Festival started by Robert Redford? Well, if you've heard of tha,t you've heard of Park City, because that's where it's held. Park City is awesome. It's the swanky getaway spot of Utah. And luckily for us it was SO beautiful while we were up there for our anniversary. You can compare to see how pretty it was last year while we were up there here. Well really, you should be proud of me for blogging about it all at once, seeing as last year I didn't blog about the rest until our year and a half mark.

We had the most fantastic weekend in Park City. It was exactly what I needed. We relaxed, ate ridiculously overpriced food, and rejuvenated ourselves.

When we first got up there we went up to see the new Montage Hotel that my husband did some work on for work and then we drove up towards Gaurdsman Pass. It was so pretty up there, you could see so far all over.

So funny story, look at Hal's sunglasses and you can see a reflection of his arm taking the picture. This next picture though is the best. It was so windy and the sun was in our eyes and so I was trying to take a picture and thought, oh this is awesome, use the camera to block out the sun, best idea I ever had....

I know, right? Best idea I ever had. And now here are some scenery shots to make you jealous of fall in Utah. SO Pretty. The first is the view from our room, and then the others are various shots from around Park City

It's the perfect time of year to be up there, because it's not crowded with ski bums, travelers and  Sundance people. The mountain air feels so good! So good tidings to all of you from the mountain abode, and here's to year 3!


  1. Sam, these pictures are beautiful. Fall in Utah looks just like something I would love to see one day!!! Loved the pic with your hand blocking the sun, making it all look like you're holding a gun or something. haha. :) If you wanted the picture to come out like this it would have never happened! And yes, of course...Park City I know. Great, my grammer just went down the tube. haha. I can't create a normal sentence anymore. ;)

    Happy weekend girl.
    Send some sun over please...because it's been raining the whole time non-stop. :(


  2. Happy Anniversary, kids! ;-) You are such an adorable couple!!!

  3. Congratulations and happy anniversary! You two are the cutest couple ever, I love these pictures! Haha, I love that you can see Hal's arm in his sunglasses and the shadow on your face is just PRICELESS!

    PS- Love your header!

  4. Happy Anniversary! It looks like it was a great time!


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