
Thursday, October 30, 2014

2014 Is Not The Year of Sam

I've realized something this week. This is just not my year. I've had some crappy things go down this year on top of a lot of mishaps.

The cherry on the top of my not already great year, my doctor told me yesterday she has a clinical suspicion I have lyme disease. I had some blood work done and the initial test to see if I have lyme disease came back positive, and the second to see if I have chronic or acute lyme came back negative, which means my results are inconclusive. So now we're sending my blood to a better lab that of course doesn't take my insurance to have the tests done again.

I asked what we do if the tests came back negative, and she said that the tests for lyme disease aren't very good, that there hasn't been enough research yet to build a really solid test for lyme; and that pretty much no matter what my blood work says, she thinks I have chronic lyme disease.

 I went in because of my hands. I've had these tiny clear itchy blisters on my hands for months now. I obsessively put tea tree oil and coconut oil on them every day and it helped a lot, but they just weren't getting better, and new blisters were popping up every day, so I finally went in. She said it's something she sees in lyme patients a lot.
 And even though I don't have some of the symptoms for lyme, she said that people might develop symptoms, but over time they just learn to live with them and adapt, but really your immune system isn't doing so good, which is why this developed on my hands, because my immune system isn't working right.

Reading about lyme online, it makes it sound like you take anti-biotics and you're all better forever, but really, I'll essentially have lyme disease for the rest of my life, and we just need to figure out how to suppress it from taking over my immune system.

I'm not trying to be woe is me, or say I've had the worst year ever, because that's not true. Good things have happened this year. Hal and I were finally able to live together again, and My sister had a baby two days ago and I get to go meet my new niece soon. I try to not be negative in general, but I'm not going to lie, and maybe it's crazy; but it feels a little freeing to not get so worked up about all of the crappy stuff and just chalk it all up to this not being my year. 


  1. This makes me want to be tested for that! I had this happen to me for MONTHS a little while ago. It JUST cleared up about a month ago. It was DISGUSTING. It started appearing on my feet too but then it went away, thank goodness. Let me know what your doctor says and I REALLY HOPE that 2015 goes better for you than this year did!

  2. That definitely isn't good news to hear! My aunt had Lyme disease years back (I'm thinking it was the acute kind). The family was pretty scared for a while, but she's doing great now.

  3. Oh my gosh, Sam! What in the world?! Keep me posted on what you find out!

  4. Ummmm.....a trip to Mexico may be in your future.....

  5. Our first two years of Atlanta weren't the year of Autumn, either so I feel like I can relate. Sending you some love!!

  6. Oh my gosh Sam! I am so sorry to hear this. At least you know and can keep doing whatever you can to help prevent it from getting worse.

  7. Oh no, Sam. I hope you are starting to feel better! I'm guessing you got bit by a tick, then? Stupid little assholes! haha.

    It's perfectly fine for you to say it hasn't been your year...we ALL have years like that. Life...


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