
Thursday, May 29, 2014

We Moved....Again

I've now moved three times since August. THREE TIMES in less than a year. I don't want to see the inside of a moving box for a good long while.

Last August we moved out to DC for what we thought was a temporary move, but we were subletting our apartment so we have to pack up all of our personal belongings. 

Then when we moved Hal back to Utah in December we had to pack him up in DC and drive across the country. Then we had to pack up everything in our apartment in Utah, and what was in storage and move it to Provo, as well as fully move me to DC.

And Lastly, when Hal graduated, we had to move him out of his apartment in Provo, pack up literally everything we owned into a truck bed and the smallest Uhaul trailer there is and drive it 2,000 miles across the country; and move it into a new apartment. At the same time we had to completely pack up my old apartment in DC and move it into our new apartment. 

It's too much moving, and I just needed you guys to commiserate with me for a minute. 
But our new place feels like a breath of fresh air. It's our own space, ALL our own space. I don't have to share any inch of it with anyone but Hal. But mostly, it's all our own stuff. It feels so good to sleep in my own bed after almost a year of not. 

And as you can see from the picture above Tuk Tuk loves it too. One wall of our apartment is pretty much just windows and since we're up on a hill it has a great view. 

It just feels so good to have a place to call home that actually feels like my home. 


  1. That does sound like an excessive quantity of moving! Hope you enjoy staying in one spot and using all of your own things for a while!

  2. I'm so glad y'all are settled in, together, and you have all of your stuff in one spot again. I'm excited for you!!

  3. Holy cow girl!!!! You two deserve a break and I hope you're in this place for a while! :)

  4. Yeah, we've been complaining all week about our move tomorrow, but I can't even imagine doing it 3 times in a year. You go, girl!

    Now go take a much deserved break with that hubby of yours who's finally in the same town as you :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's a lot of moving! Hope you can stay in this one for awhile!


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