
Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Khmer New Year

Last week was Khmer New Year.

I'm so lucky that there is a Cambodian Buddhist Temple in Maryland where I could go celebrate in what felt like I was back in Cambodia for a few moments, with people I love and served with in Cambodia.

We got to see the Wat (temple). We got to see more Cambodians than I ever knew lived in Maryland. We got to speak Khmer, and drink sugar cane juice, just like we did in Cambodia. And we got to dance. We got to Khmer dance. It felt like I was going to see my Cambodian family any moment. It was just hoping to experience. I've missed Cambodia so much and it was so wonderful to see Cambodian culture alive outside of Cambodia. I'm so glad that I was able to go and experience, if only for a moment that I was back in Cambodia.

The two videos at the bottom are one my friend took of us Khmer Dancing to a live band, and a video google automatically put together from pictures and videos I took that day. Don't mind the cat picture in the middle, it was just fun to see the compilation of pictures and videos together.

1 comment:

  1. That's so fun!! I've never found any big Malaysian events anywhere when I've been in America. I've gotten together for dinner with Malaysians and I've found one legit Malaysian restaurant in Illinois, but that's it.


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