
Friday, January 10, 2014

Help Us Name our Kitty

Back in October Hal and I got a new kitty. I can't believe I haven't really posted about her yet. She's such a fun kitty.

We both missed having a cat around after we lost our kitty back in September, so when I got a permanent job out here we decided to get a kitty to help me feel not so lonely while Hal is back in Utah for 4 months.

So we started looking. We went to a lot of pet stores and shelters, just not really knowing if we should get a cat, but wanting one and not finding one that we just loved loved. We ended up at an adoption day at WARL in DC, and fell in love with this little lady.

I'm not gonna lie, from far away she's kind of ugly looking. She's a torbie: a tabbie, tortoiseshell mix and has a split face, where half of her nose is dark and half is light. Her skin around each eye is a different color, and the skin of her lips is split as well. She was immediately playful and curious, but loved of a good petting; so we decided to adopt her.
She's 1 1/2 and was found on the street with her kittens. All of her kittens were adopted from the shelter before her and she was all alone. Our first few nights with her were rough, I'm not going to lie. We were used to our 13 year old cuddle bug and this new kitty was much more talkative and up at night. We wondered what we had done to ourselves.

But slowly we fell in love with her funny personality, and learned she has to be played with before bed time if she's going to sleep most of the night. We had to learn to adjust to a new kitty.
But we still haven't found the perfect name for her. At first we named her Mai Mai, which means mother in Khmer, since she had been found with her kittens. But the name didn't stick and I ended up calling her stink all of the time. We've been playing with the idea of naming her tuk tuk, which is the name of a cart pulled by a motorcycle which is very prominent in SE Asia; and it lends itself to lots of silly nick names, which is important to me.
 Over the last few months we've successfully fattened up, and taught our kitty how to cuddle, but we still are looking for the perfect name. As a reward for helping us find the perfect cat name, I'll share the most precious cat picture you've ever seen.


  1. Oh man, that's tough! I can't believe you still haven't found one in a few months. :) I love the idea of having a name connected to SE Asia... but I don't know of any along those lines!

  2. If we didn't name our cats after medicines, we'd probably name them either Spanish or Mandarin words because of their meaning to us, so I think the idea of a name in Khmer would be really cool!

  3. I really find her coloring charming! I'm all about naming your pet a name that wouldn't get confused with a person's name. I really like the ones you listed here...except stink haha.

  4. I don't know, I kind of like the name Stink... :)

  5. I vote for either Cambodian or a literary name from one of your favorite books.

  6. Awww... She's super cute. I'm horrible at naming things so I'm not going to help but I can't wait to hear what you come up with! :-)


Please share your thoughts with me.