
Monday, January 27, 2014

3 Long Weeks!

Can you believe it? We've made it over three weeks! Three loooooooong weeks.

I have 18 days until I get to see Hal next. Some days I think 18 days is so short, that we totally got this. Other days it feels those 18 days are the end of. the. world.

Remember how I'm sending Hal a picture every single day of me and kitty while we are a part? I'm kind of loving this challenge. Kitty has been a good sport and has cooperated for endless photos when all of them end up blurred because she won't stop moving.
We finally figured that seeing each other once a month is doable for our bank account and our sadness. We've booked my flight home for Valentines and his flight out here in March. The next flight we book will mean I'm coming home, he's graduating, we've moving permanently to DC, and we'll be back together after 4 long months apart!

I'm kind of nervous that seeing him for 3 short days is going to make it even hard to be away from him again. Have any of you found that to be true when you were apart form your significant other for a long period of time?


  1. And just last night I got home after 3 weeks away from my man! But that seemed plenty long enough to me! Hopefully a couple days every month will be good for recharging your batteries!!!

  2. I haven't been apart from my man for any major length of time, I really can't comprehend it. You're doing amazing!

  3. That is so rough! Hang in there girl! In my opinion any time in person would be better than none...but I know some people are different. My best friend didn't even want to Skype with her man when they were doing long distance because it was just a tease.

  4. I'm so proud of you for doing this all. And yes for having trips planned and booked already. It'll happen in no time. Plus, your kitty is keeping you company it's too cute. I can come visit you in DC then. HAHAHAHAHA.


  5. You're a superstar in my books!!!


Please share your thoughts with me.