
Thursday, November 7, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 1 - 7

I'm excited to be participating in Angela from Harrells on Hood's link up about 30 days of Thankfulness.
30 Days of Thankfulness
I love that we actually take the time to remember what we're thankful for at least once a year, but I hate the facebook ones where you're inundated with people's posts every single day, so I love that Angela is hosting a weekly one instead.

I have a lot to be thankful for right now, so I decided to create my thankful list off of things that happened that day. I hate that most people's thankful lists read like rankings of who they love the most: day one is like I'm thankful for my husband followed by my children and by the end of the month people are scratching the bottom of the barrel for things on their importance skill that they're thankful for; so I thought it would be fun to find things in the events of each day to be thankful for, instead of ranking what I'm thankful for.

November 1st:
I am thankful for seeing good friends that I haven't seen in a long time. One of our favorite people in the world came into town and stayed with us, and it was so good to see her after a year apart, and in America no less.
November 2nd:
I am thankful for getting together with friends who are some of the only people who know what each other have been through, and who I can talk about anything with.
November 3rd:
I am so grateful for the beauty of God's creations on this Earth and being able to take them in and appreciate them.
November 4th:
I am unbelievably thankful for my new job. It is constantly challenging me and teaching me so much, but at the same time I am treated so well and it is so flexible that I find myself wondering how I am so lucky to be working here.
My signed offer letter
November 5th:
I am grateful for my general health. I've been struggling the past little while with a sinus infection and what appears to be tonsillitis. Nothing makes you more grateful for your health than when you are sick. Paired with this, having health insurance again after 6 months of not, is amazing.
I never again want to be as sick a when I had Dengue Fever 
November 6th:
I am so thankful for the connections that I have made with wonderful people all over the world, and the opportunities I have to stay in contact with them. Below is my LCF (Language and Cultural Facilitator) from Peace Corps in Cambodia. She taught me how to speak Khmer and how to live like a Cambodian, and I showed her around DC for her first time in America.
November 7th:
I love love love animals. Almost any animal. Growing up I had turtles, hermit crabs, cats, dog, and fish. While we did have to put down our kitty this year, I had 13 wonderful years with her, and we get to start a new adventure with another kitty. I am so thankful for the animals who I have loved and loved me back.

Go check out Angela's blog for more 30 days of Thankfulness.


  1. I like having it on facebook to be honest, I like reading grateful posts instead of "this is what is wrong with my life" posts :D But I do plan to compile all of mine into a blog post at the end of the month :D

  2. It's so awesome to have a joy that you truly enjoy and are thankful for! And definitely, all it really takes is the beginnings of a cold, or something like that, to make you really appreciate health! Health is such a blessing!

  3. These are such beautiful things to be thankful for!!! :-)

  4. Girl thank you so much for linking up! I have loved reading about all the blessings in people's lives. I am thankful too for God's creation... I would love to get out and see more of it soon! :)

  5. Love these! And I love that you added photos too! Glad I found you through the link-up!


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