
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Sorry I've been absent for a little while. As most of you know I've been really sick. Last weekend I was medically evacuated to Thailand with a bad case of dengue fever.

I've been surviving with my phone and wifi while I've been bored out of my mind, recovering. Tomorrow I finally get to go back to Cambodia! I never thought I would miss it so much.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me, that I can make it back tomorrow. I've been trying to get back for three days. Peace Corps has finally deemed me healthy enough, and bought my ticket, so keep your fingers crossed that it happens because I have a husband I'm dying to see!


  1. We're so glad you're on the mend. You guys are in our prayers!

    Cousin Rachel and the Whole K. Family

  2. Scary! I'm glad you're doing better.

  3. So sorry you've been feeling so yucky! I had a mild case of dengue fever on my mission, and it truly is awful--I collapsed in the street once because my bones hurt so bad (I'm sure you can relate). Hope you get better real soon! (I'm sure having Hal around will help you with that!)

  4. Sam,

    I was so sorry to hear you've been sick! I don't doubt Dengue's been a horrible experience, and I'm sorry you had to go through it, but I'm glad you're on the mend. Get better soon so you can have a great time in Scotland in a month. :)

    Love from Prey Veng,


  5. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! And I'll even keep my fingers crossed! :) Glad you're doing better!

  6. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! And I'll even keep my fingers crossed! :) Glad you're doing better!

  7. I've been praying for you Sam ever since I heard what happened. You sound so much better, even blogging now a little...a real sign you're doing better!

    Hugs to you!

  8. I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better! I've been kinda unplugged the past week and had no idea! How scary! Glad you are doing much better!


Please share your thoughts with me.