
Friday, July 1, 2011

hike in crescent city

Hal and I took a little last minute trip that I haven't had time to blog about until now. On my birthday we were out with some friends and we had been talking about taking this trip forever. We realized we had less than 2 months, and if we didn't plan it now, we were never going to go. So 3 weeks later we found our selves in California to go see the Redwoods!

After what was supposed to be a 16 hour drive, and ended up taking us 22 hours. We maybe took a wrong turn because the two girls in the car were driving at 2 am and were talking to keep each other awake...and maybe missed a turn. and maybe went 1 1/2 in the wrong direction, and didn't realize it until we hit the junction for Burns or Boise, and accidentally started heading towards Boise. I got real tired once the boys were awake. Funny how that works.

When we saw the sign for Boise 100 something miles we realized something was wrong. That's when the boys woke up. Oops, a little 4 hour detour doesn't do anyone any harm...except when you're driving all night and haven't slept.What matters is that we made it!

My sister came down from Portland to play among the trees with us. 

We were dying after the 22 hour drive, so we went on a mini hike in Crescent City, CA that goes from the edge of the Redwoods down to the Ocean. It was SO pretty.

Man, directions wasn't our thing on this trip. We took a wrong turn and ended up by this river and some campsites. Eventually we found the path that led to the ocean.

And this is where my sister photo bombed us. Lovely, right?

Right here, if you go around sunset, there are a ton of sea lions. Some even came really close to the shore. You would look out and just see heads popping up all over.

This is my favorite picture. I took it on the way back up as the sun was setting. I didn't even edit it, it was so pretty.

Next up, I have pictures of the actual Redwoods, and an amazing hike we did.


  1. How fun! I live in CA and have never seen the redwoods. I need to change that!

  2. Oh man! That's a long time to be in the car! Glad you made it and had a fun time though!

  3. Fun! What a great trip idea! I am glad you guys finally made it though! Love the pictures! I am super bummed we won't see you guys before we go and you go! But if you ever want to visit Florida, or go on a cruise, we are right next to some ports, anyway! We love you guys! ♥


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