
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What would you say?

What would you say if I showed you pictures like this:

Or even like this:
Or perhaps even this one:
Would you guess that these photos were taken a week ago? While some people are experiencing blossoms and warmth from the sun, we're getting slammed with freak snow storms that drop almost a foot in a few hours. It literally snowed for hours and hours, non stop, and didn't let up for the longest time. Luckily, I live in an area very prepared to handle this and so it didn't put a damper on our plans. We did pass 8 snow plows in a row heading down I-15 which is always quite the sight. Luckily, it warmed up this weekend, and we hit 60 yesterday!

So hopefully soon, we'll be getting some of this:

But who knows with Utah spring weather? Remember last year? We don't usually seem blossoms until May, so I'm hoping for an early, and a very long spring. I'm ready for sunshine, but not for 100 degrees.


  1. Haha, totally Utah for ya, am I right?? It's supposed to be crummy weather this week too :( hopefully taht will be the end of it, then bring on the pretty!

  2. I would cry if it snowed like that here again this winter. It's spring, it's time it cooperates!

  3. Wow. Was your last winter weather post really last April?! Because I remember that post like it was last week.

  4. Just crazy. :) Hope spring finds its way to your doorstep girl. ;) We always say we have the same kinda weather, right? Well, as far as the snow goes...not so much. It's raining here now though. :( That's the evil brother of snow. ;) haha.

  5. utah weather is crazy! that's for sure! these pictures are awesome though! so to make my headers i just use! that is where i edit pictures, make collages, add text too stuff. to make headers and what not? i just googled a plain white image on google. then i uploaded it to the program and i just add text to it.. use the stickers and symbols to make headers! nothing too fancy! it is no photoshop..but it is really basic and simple! hope that helps!

  6. WOW! We had some random snow a few weeks ago, nothing compared to this though, of course. Now it's just grey and drizzly. I keep seeing pictures of people in Florida and California...sigh! xoxo


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