
Monday, October 4, 2010

Now If I were a billionarie....

Alright, I have some linked up things I want to do. Look for the second one rather soon. I saw this on Jennifer's blog and I loved it so I thought I would go ahead and do it for mine!

If I were a Billionaire I would

Live in a Victorian house

I would drive this sweet thing

I would buy and learn to sail this

I would have a second house here (Scotland)

I would shop here
and here

And of course I would give back here

And maybe I'd start a scholarship fund
What would you do?

Head over to Jennifer's Blog and link up


  1. Thanks for linking up! I loved getting to see how you'd spend your money. It's always so fun being on a boat!!!

  2. Yes on Anthro, and on the Victorian house girl. My choice too. That is, if I ever finish my post! ;)


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