
Monday, August 16, 2010

CLEP, can I do it?

I know guys, I've been soo bad about posting. I promised more Oregon pictures forever ago. I'm lame, what can I say? So, I will do those soon, I uploaded them to my computer from my phone so that's a start, right?

So since I don't have those pictures with me at work to post them I thought I would post about something else and see if I can get any advice from all of those bilingual people out there.

I have to take a test...and soon. And I'm scared about it. I've been studying for a while, and all of my 3 years of high school language studies are starting to come back, but I'm still scared because there is still so much I don't know. So I'm kicking studying into gear. I ordered a CLEP practice book today that comes with 3 practice test, and I found some Peterson tests online for free! The one I ordered and the one I got for free are the 2 most commonly used, so lets hope they help me figure out where I am in the studying process.

This is what I am planning on taking next month. I have a program from Costco that is supposed to be like Rosetta Stone that I have been working with and I'm on the 3rd 4th out of 6 cds and a co-worker let me borrow her old Spanish 1020 textbook that has really been helping piece things together. So that is what I have been studying up until now, but hopefully these practice tests will help kick things into gear for me.

Have you ever taken a CLEP test? Have you ever taken Spanish in college? I just have to get a 50 out of 80 on the test. I just have to pass at a 1020 level for what I need. Lets hope I can do it. So please, give me your advice!


  1. I didn't take spanish in college but I took German and it was hard! I use it for work every now and then but besides that I've forgot a lot! Good luck with the test!

  2. Girl, I would help you in a second but I can't. I never took Spanish. Whatever I know I know from what I picked up from classmates, or while traveling or self study. :( I'm sure though you will do well on that test.
    Fingers crossed for you. Always!

  3. I've taken lots of CLEP tests - 64 credits worth! I used the CLEPs to save a ton of time and money in college. I got my BA in Journalism in 3 years for under $20,000!

    Now I work for a company that helps people CLEP through college and absolutely love it.

    There's a free practice Spanish CLEP on our site:

    Let me know if you have any questions about CLEP. They really aren't as hard as you'd fear. :)


  4. Wow, I haven't the slightest clue how to help- all I can say is that you're extremely dedicated and I think that's an AMAZING quality! I'll be praying for you to do well- I know you'll rock!

  5. I took 2 years of Spanish in HS then had to take 3 semester of it in college. Since I only took the 2 years in HS, i started with the basics in college and started with Spanish 1. It was nice because the first 2-3 weeks was practically all of the material I learned in the 2 years in HS, then we moved right along. SO much more fast paced and a lot more conversation rather than writing. We never had oral tests in HS, but that was very common at my college. I had so much fun though.


Please share your thoughts with me.